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General terms and conditions

TTA Taxidermie applies the following general terms and conditions.

1. Prices.

All prices quoted by TTA Taxidermie are exclusive of VAT, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

2. Retention of title.

All goods/animals etc. supplied by TTA Taxidermie under an agreement remain the property
of TTA Taxidermie until all amounts due have been paid.

3. Delivery time and force majeure.

The delivery times indicated by TTA Taxidermie are indicative only and may not be regarded
as strict deadlines unless explicitly agreed otherwise. TTA Taxidermie shall never be liable for
damages due to late delivery unless the client has given TTA Taxidermie written notice of
default. Force majeure shall be deemed to have occurred if TTA Taxidermie is unable to
meet its obligations within the agreed time due to causes beyond its control.

4. Changes by TTA Taxidermie

TTA Taxidermie is entitled to unilaterally amend the organisation and/or contents of the
agreement at any time.

5. Complaints and liability.

Complaints must be submitted in writing to TTA Taxidermie within 7 days of services being
provided, such at the risk of forfeiting the right to invoke the fact that the services are not in
accordance with the contract.
TTA Taxidermie must be given the opportunity to check the complaints submitted and to
correct them within an agreed term.
Complaints or claims by the client do not give the client the right to suspend payment.
entitle the client to suspend payment or to set off claims against amounts payable to TTA
TTA Taxidermie is entitled to adjust the service as agreed or not to perform it if the client is
obviously negligent. TTA Taxidermie will charge the client for all costs resulting from this.
The client must pay these costs within 14 days of the invoice date.
TTA Taxidermie shall not be liable to the client for any damage and/or costs, however named
and howsoever caused, unless the damage and/or costs are the result of an intentional act
or omission or gross negligence on the part of TTA Taxidermie. TTA Taxidermie shall not be
liable for damage and/or costs caused by the actions and/or shortcomings of third parties
engaged by TTA Taxidermie in the execution of the agreement, nor if the damage and/or
costs are the result of an intentional act or omission or gross negligence on the part of those
third parties. In no case shall TTA Taxidermie be liable for consequential loss or damage,
trading loss or damage caused by exceeding the term of delivery. The client shall indemnify
TTA Taxidermie against all successful claims from third parties in respect of services and/or
goods provided by TTA Taxidermie, as a result of which those third parties may have
suffered loss or damage, irrespective of the cause or the time at which such loss or damage
All rights of the client to claim compensation will lapse if such claim is not made known to
TTA Taxidermie in writing by registered letter within 7 days of the discovery of a loss.
TTA Taxidermie shall never be liable for damage resulting from incorrect, injudicious or
illegal use of the goods delivered and other actions that are at the client’s risk.
The damages shall at all times be limited to the maximum of the fee charged by TTA
Taxidermie to the client for services rendered or products supplied.
TTA Taxidermie shall not be liable towards the client or any other person or legal entity for
any loss or damage, including but not limited to consequential loss or damage, loss of profit,
lost savings and/or loss due to business interruption.
Any right to compensation shall in any case lapse if the client has not taken measures to limit
the damage or prevent further damage immediately after the damage occurs, or has not
informed TTA Taxidermie of all relevant information as soon as reasonably possible. The
client is not free to return products/services supplied to TTA Taxidermie before TTA
Taxidermie has given its consent.

6. Payment.

Payments for preparations, goods, semi-manufactured products supplied by TTA Taxidermie
must be paid in full before they are picked up in the shop/workshop or delivered to the
client’s home.
All services performed by TTA Taxidermie with regard to the organisation of the import of
the products or the collection or delivery of the products are subject to the agreement of
TTA Taxidermie.
All services performed by TTA Taxidermy in relation to organising the import of the object or
collecting or having the object shipped from the forwarding agent other than the
preparation of the object will be charged extra.

7. Cancellation by client

The TTA Taxidermie terms and conditions always apply to cancellations made by clients.
Big or small preparation/object, 100 euro registration fee is obligatory in the taxidermy and
administration register of TTA Taxidermie.
For preparation and storage costs of the specimen/object from the day the registration is
done and accepted by TTA Taxidermie the customer owes an amount on top of the basic
costs of 1,00 say, “one euro,” per day allocated (index January 2022) to TTA Taxidermie. This
justified payment serves to meet the damage of TTA Taxidermie of not preparing storage
and preparation costs of the specimen or object.
Start calculation is on the day of receipt end calculation is on the day of collection. After
payment and receipt of the above cumulative amount, the object/preparation will be
released by TTA Taxidermie.

8. Termination.

The agreement will be terminated by operation of law if the client is declared bankrupt or if
the client is granted a suspension of payments (provisional or otherwise).

9. Applicable law and disputes.

This agreement is subject to Dutch law and any possible dispute must be submitted to the
court in s’-Hertogenbosch.