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Hunting trophy items

You own objects from hunting collections or a hunting trophy

It is often a problem to get rid of a collection of trophies after one has passed away.

Where to go with that?
They are often all collectables of a hunter with a story behind them, and thus a valuable asset for that hunter. The person who is left with such a collection often moves to a smaller house and does not have the affinity with the collection and wants to dispose of it discreetly.

Bernd van Amelsfoort Taxidermy has focused on this.  He knows like no other that after the transfer of a collection there is a lot of work involved before it can be put up for sale again or transferred to museums. Every trophy has to go through the hand of the craftsman several times to make something of it again.

We are the party of choice for you to work with and therefore always seek direct purchase of hunting trophies, antlers and total stuffed animals as well as shoulder mounted specimens etc. etc.  If desired we will take over you entire hunting room.

We prefer to purchase from a hunter or collector the entire hunting trophy collection from an estate.
We pay a fair price and assure you a correct and direct settlement. You can offer us small quantities as well as large hunting collections.

We buy from private collections but also from governments, museums and especially inheritances.

Please contact: Bernd van Amelsfoort Taxidermy
Phone number: +31 637349646